I think it's always good to show what a client can expect to receive when hiring me to photograph a property.
This was a one bedroom apartment in Bracknell, Berkshire. It took me about an hour to photograph, and I gave the client 19 photos from the shoot.
My client here just wanted some quick photos so that she could market the property herself, so had a small budget. I only say that to show that I work for a large variety of clients. Not all my clients are large commercial or advertising agencies, some are your every day people just wanting to sell their home.
Property photography is quite simple in theory, as it's mostly wide angle photos of a room.
However, a lot comes into play, and each shot I take actually takes a few minutes to set up in terms of organising the furniture, plumping cushions, organising the curtains to fall a certain way, getting rid of kitchen clutter, and I also like to switch on all the lights usually too.
Then the actual camera takes about 1-4 minutes to set up for each photo.
I get the camera to a specific height that's best for interiors photography, I get the camera completely level both on a horizontal and vertical plane by using the spirit levels on my tripod. - This ensures that all the walls are as straight as possible and not distorted, so that in post production it takes less time and manipulation of the image.
I then manual focus the camera to the main point of the room to ensure that everything I need to be in focus will be.
After that I'll dial in the camera settings manually to ensure the correct depth of field, and the right about of light will be entering the camera to get a perfectly exposed photograph.
I bracket the photos too, so I'll take 7 different exposures of each shot ranging from very dark, to very light and over exposed. This is to give me options in the edit after and so that I've got the entire range of light to play with.
Once the photo is taken, I'll have a look on the back of the camera and zoom in to all the important points of the image to make sure everything is in focus and exposed as it should be.
It's also good to review the photos after as one bit of furniture might be out of place, or just need moving a tiny bit to make the image look better, more symmetrical and complete.
It's then onto the next shot and repeat the process as above.
Once the shoot is complete, I then come back to the office and upload and backup the photos to multiple hard drives, catalogue them, and start the editing process. - This is another job in and of itself.
I won't go into the details of how I edit the photos in this blog post, however to give you an idea, for a one hour shoot like this one, it took me around 3-4 hours to edit the photos to a good standard to market the property online.
I hope you enjoyed and understand a little more of what goes into a property and interiors photography shoot now?
To find out more about my property photography and rates, then please get in touch here.
I shoot interiors for all kinds of clients, from private investors, estate agents, interior designers, commercial photography clients, and also property developers.
Most of my property work is based around Surrey, Berkshire, and London. I don't tend to travel further than that for this kind of photography unless it's for something really special.
Finally, here's all the photos I sent to this client from this one bedroom apartment. Just to stress, this was a very basic and quick shoot.
For interior designers for example, I shoot a lot more and shoot specific detail shots (or close up shots) of certain areas of interest.
Look out more more blog posts where I'll be showing you the kind of work I do for high end interior clients.
If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment or get in touch.
Commercial, Advertising, & Lifestyle Photographer | London UK
Website: www.StuartBaileyPhoto.com
Phone: (+44) 07762 900 132
Follow me on social media:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/StuBaileyPhoto
Twitter: https://twitter.com/stubaileyphoto
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StuBaileyPhoto/
For a property & interiors shoot, clients can expect clean, well-composed shots that highlight the space’s best features. Natural light, angles, and staging make all the difference. After the shoot, editing is key, and https://www.movavi.com/ is a great tool for that. It’s easy to adjust lighting, colors, and details to make the images pop without a steep learning curve.